Monday, November 26, 2007

My Adorable Nieces

I had to share this picture with ya'll. The kids came to my house on Sunday afternoon. We had so much fun. This was taken at their house last night. They are wearing their Christmas pj's, scarfs, and playing with their new make-up! How fun! I'm just glad they didn't bring the make-up to my house! Don't you love the upside-down sunglasses (with just one lens)! They are so precious!


Rachel and Russ said...

Hi Matt and Trisha!
It's Rachel (used to be Jones) McDonald! I love getting on here and reading around and running into people I know. (We have a blog
Anyhow, how are things going in Alabama? Dad is pastoring in Tuscaloosa now and I'm so excited to go at Christmas. My husband, Russ, and I teach in a Christian school here in Ocala. Anyhow, write me and let me know how you are doing!

Joy said...

Oh how sweet!

David and Rebekah said...

So good to see you guys and to know you are doing well. I love being able to take a small peek into each others lives and ministries.