Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Quick Update...

We have been very busy lately, as always. Everyone around here is sick and I am just now getting it. I wanted to get these pictures on here though. Hope you enjoy. These are from a couple of weeks ago.

This picture was taken after our Homecoming Staff vs. Students game. Pictured from left to right is Ashlyn, "Uncle Seth" Haas, Garron, "Uncle Matt", Alayna, and "Daddy" Thad Endicott. I thought this picture was worth posting a blog for! By the way, Ashlyn is showing everyone that she is 2. She isn't trying to send out the message for world peace!

I had to include these pictures of our recent "snow storm" in Alabama! We had to hurry and take pictures before it melted! :) Come visit us sometime. You never know what the weather will be like!


Shane and Kristy Davis said...

Wow! Look at all that snow:)! My sister was very excited about it also. You'll have to check out my recent post-our back yard is so deep in it. I've been ok so far, but think before too long I'm gonna be tired of it!

Joy said...

Hey Trisha! I'm finally getting around to commenting. :) You all have a lot going on. Your house is so cute. And your outfits on the earlier post...well, what can I say? Too funny! :)It's great keeping up with you!

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

I'm surprised you were able to get outside to take pictures in that terrible weather ;) Love the pictures. Isn't blogging so much fun?! I'm beginning to get addicted. I'm going to try to email email is if you get a chance to write too. Love ya!