Sunday, April 13, 2008

Long Time No Post...

Sorry it's been a couple of months since I posted anything. I hate posting without pictures, but I'm going to this time. I keep forgetting my camera everywhere I go, so that's why there are no pictures.

So much has happened in the last couple of months. Most importantly, my parents moved to Alabama and live only 12 minutes from our house! It has been SO NICE having them here. I don't think my mom has had a service "off" since she has been here. She plays the piano and has been SUCH a blessing to have around, especially during competition season! :) I'm sure she's probably already ready for a break!

We stayed around here for Spring Break this year and enjoyed spending some time with Mom and Dad. We even fit in a day on the golf course! It was fun. My brother and his family took a group to Germany on a missions trip during Spring Break. They all had a great time and the Lord really worked in each person's heart. It was so neat to see how God used Garron (9), Alayna (4), and Ashlyn (2), too. It was a reminder to me that God will use anyone who is willing to serve Him.

Matt and I took a group of teenagers (sixteen of them) to National Competition at Bob Jones University last week. We really had a great time and learned so much. It was so amazing to see the talent that the Lord has given so many of these teens. It is our prayer that they will use it for the Lord.

Well, it's back to normal routine tomorrow morning. I hope and pray that each of you are having a wonderful Spring! Please pray for my sister-in-law Cheri, as she is getting very close to having her fourth child. I can't wait to hold my little niece!

Until next time....(and hopefully it won't be another 2 months!) :) Keep in touch!

1 comment:

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

Wow! Good to see you guys back. That's so great your parents moved to Alabama! I just love being near Tom's parents. It's hard when you live so far apart.
Don't worry about not having pictures. Just glad you guys are doing well. Love ya!
