Thursday, August 7, 2008

End of the Summer...

Garron, Alayna, and Ashlyn looking patriotic
Ashlyn, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Shisha on July 4th

Getting ready to enjoy the fireworks

Matt and I with our nieces and nephew

I can't believe it's almost time for school to start already! Our summer break has come to an end and I didn't blog at all. Sorry! I had great plans, but I didn't fulfill them.
We have been very busy this summer, as always. Here is a quick run-down on what's gone on: I taught summer school for three weeks. Then our church had its 3rd Annual Honor Service, in which we honored our missionaries who have been on the field for over 25 years. It was a very special service. Matt and I enjoyed golfing with my parents several times this summer, as Matt had Mondays off. We have also had quite a bit of company come through. In July, we took some of the teenagers to Camp Barnabas at Ambassador Baptist College in NC. That was a great week full of preaching and fun activities. Matt's parents spent a week with us as we prepared for our "Paradise Pirates" VBS. Now VBS is over and Volleyball practice has begun. Teacher Orientation is next week and the first day of school is August 18. I know many of ya'll have had a similar summer and know what a whirlwind it can be. Overall, we had a great summer. Thanks to all those who do a better job of blogging than I do. It's always fun to hear your family updates!

Alayna and Ashlyn made great pirates for VBS

Matt & I with some of the kids at VBS
Matt is on the right with the long curly hair. Isn't he scary? He was the captain in the skits and didn't get saved until Thursday night, when he also got a "haircut". He had more fun than the kids! It was a great week!