Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know it has been forever since I have updated. SORRY! We don't have internet access at home, and it seems that I never have time at school to update either. Things are going great at school and church. My class has really been doing well since Christmas break. They really catch on quickly and we are able to move right on. I have really enjoyed teaching 1st and 2nd grade together.

Our church ministries are all going well, too. We definitely stay busy between all the school and church ministries. I wouldn't have it any other way though. We are so blessed to be in such a great ministry and under such a godly pastor. He has been at our church for over 28 years. What a testimony!

Our family is doing good. It is so nice to be near all of my immediate family now. What a blessing it has been having my parents here! We had a wonderful Christmas break. We were able to travel to Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa to see all of our family. We saw 50 relatives, slept in 5 different beds, and drove over 2,200 miles in 11 days. I wouldn't trade that trip for anything! We saw all of our grandparents, which we hadn't seen in a few years. We are so thankful for the godly family that we have. We are so blessed!

My nephew and nieces are growing so much. We stay busy just keeping up with them. They are a joy to be with and so much fun! Here are some recents pictures taken from a cell phone. Sorry they aren't the best quality!

Alyssa's newest "smile"

Ashlyn's 3rd Birthday

Alayna, Ashlyn & Alyssa


Deanna said...

Hey there! I can't wait to see the movie Fireproof and to see how it changes lives over here as well! It's good to hear from you again. = )

Joy said...

Glad to see you're still there! Sounds like a busy Christmas. Traveling for the holidays is so much fun!!

You need a facebook account. It's SO easy to keep track of people.

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

Great to see a new post! What an exciting Christmas! I agree with Joy that you guys definitely need a facebook account! Love the pic of Alyssa...what a cutie!